If you’re a CS4 Creative Suite User, you’ll have to buy the entire suite all over again to move to CS6. Instead the only way to get Photoshop CS6 at that point will be to repurchase the entire product again at its full price (presumably $699 US). (a) You will not be eligible to upgrade to Photoshop CS6 (or the CS6 Creative Suite). It’s my understanding that when the next version of Photoshop and the Creative Suite is released, if you do not already own Photoshop version CS5 or CS5.5 (or the 5 or 5.5 Creative Suite): However as I’m writing this open letter to you today, I would say that most of our 70,000 members have no idea about the upgrade policy changes you just announced, or about how these changes will affect them.įrom the information I’ve gathered, it appears to me that this new upgrade policy for the next version of Adobe Photoshop and the Creative Suite (presumably called CS6) will leave a significant number of your customers with no affordable upgrade path to Photoshop CS6 or the Creative Suite.
As president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) I represent more than 70,000 Photoshop users around the world.